Thursday, August 12, 2010


The truly amazing thing about soccer is that I wasn't sick of it at the end of the Mundial. Soccer is fun just like baseball is fun and football is fun and its nice to go to a game every once in a while. Soccer, however, was amazingly still fun even when it showed up on our tv for three games a day (plus the hour long coverage of those games every night at six). Not that I watched every game. The first I watched via the glory of the Minister of Education of Costa Rica who declared it a cultural event and said that all students who wanted should be able to watch it in school that day. By a combined effort of the teachers in the school, a 10'' screened tv was found in the back room of someones house and brought to the school where about 20 kids crowded around it. The finale I watched in a sports bar with an odd assortment of gringos, most of whom were sadly rooting for the wrong team. (When in doubt, root for the color orange). I thought for a while that I was becoming freakishly enamored of soccer, but then i realized this is a common symptom ive developed since getting here.

In short: there is a line that goes from -oh, this is fun the first time -to- oh this is still going on?-to -oh well, this is still going on.. -to- what? its not going on anymore? Now what am I going to do? In other words, you get used to everything. I imagine this is a life saving revelation for people who find themselves far from home in a vastly different country. Like Siberia. For me it's more of a curiosity. I admit, i'm living a radically different life here than back home, but that's by my standards and taking into account the range of my life experiences. Probably the most radical change i've undergone is the ability to not only eat but crave eggs. Yup, that's my version of life changing.

Other changes i've undergone: I'm neat here, I wake up before 7, I watch the news religiously, I drink coffee both as a necessity and as a luxury. I attribute most of these to the slower pace of life here, and also the fact that my house doesn't have internet. When you take facebook out of the equation, folding laundry becomes something to do, and when your daily schedule becomes finding things to do, it suddenly becomes a luxury. Immediately after coming home, no matter how many times I know i'll be coming home or leaving that day I take my shoes off, walk to the back and wash the mud off before hanging them up to dry. Its very cathartic. Thats what I found with soccer. Aside from the first and last game all the rest I watched at the private soccer field in my town that had a tv installed in it that i've learned plays either soccer games or cooking shows whenever its on. (The field's owner is a big fan of the Naked Chef). When the mundial ended, even though Im still not a soccer fan, I was left with a certain feeling of- now what? Luckily i'm writing this in the future so I already know the answer to that. August brings dance classes and cooking demonstrations on a weekly basis.

In work news, i'm adopting a new attitude. My opinion of my town this past month has wavered between the town being a catastrophe and being far far too good for me. Through the eyes of my host mom and the health clinics stats, the former is true. My town, I say with a certain amount of certainty has the highest maddness per person capita in the country. Not only is it the 3rd leading illness in the town, but it seems every time I come home and mention meeting someone new my host mom's reaction is "oh, she invited you to that? its a trap, don't go, she's mentally deranged." On the other hand, from birds-eye (institution focused) view of the town, its really far too professional for me. Both the school and the daycare, for all their issues are run by successful, competent and highly motivated women. As fast as I can identify a problem to write up in my diagnostic they're either proposing how to solve it or have actually solved it. Most of my issues concerning me trying to find a job for myself go as follows:

Me: Director, I was wondering if I could ask you a question? You see i've noticed x issues in the school. Is this something important to the school? Is this something I could work on?

Director: I'm sorry, I just got back from my meeting downtown where I erased corruption from our governments and also put in solar power in every building ever so i'm a little distracted, repeat that again?

Me: erm

Director: Oh thats right, I had forgotten about that issue, hold a second (Director makes a 30 second phone call) ok, so that issue you brought up will be solved by tomorrow. Now what kind of projects were you thinking about doing here?

Me: erm

Director: Thats great. So I was thinking, I want a marching band. Can you get us some instruments and organize the kids? Also, would you mind teaching them how to play? The music teachers not available after school hours.

Me: erm

And no, I didn't just become the world's greatest screen writer. That's an actual conversation I have had. The current projects I am assigned at my school- form a marching band and build a gymnasium. Not daunted by the fact that our school already has one gym, they think it would be pretty sweet if we had another. You would think this was frustrating but no, this is the new attitude i'm creating for myself= I came here for people to have a better life, if at the end of the day people do have a better life I should be happy for them, even if my part in it mainly consisted of watching twilight movies, cooking pancakes and trying to avoid getting rained on. (I am willing to go to serious lengths for that last one. By serious lengths I mean I got to the bus stop one day to find an isolated rainstorm right over my town, so I went into the mall in front of the stop to watch said twilight movie and wait it out)

As for my problem kids i'm working with, this is the problem with living in the same community as them, I get to know them and realize there's nothing offensive about them. Just because a kid's loud and obnoxious at school doesn't mean that as soon as the bell rings he doesn't become the nicest kid in Mr Rogers neighborhood. When I see the kid helping little old ladies cross the street in front of my house, it really makes it harder for me to call them out in session for giving attitude in art class. When i see them stick up for a kid that they picked on not half an hour ago in class i realize that these kids are not isolated incidents but whole people. Just because they get antsy when stuck in a cement block for 7 hrs a day copying notes off the board doesn't mean they have anger issues. I don't share these revelations with the schools three psychologists.

I don't want this to come across as a negative post. I have had some pretty good interactions with my neighbors. Despite that they should know better by now, the kids in my town still think i'm interesting and beg me to give them english classes, even on their own time outside of class. I have the "gratitude of spiderman" or at least Nathaniel, a 4 year old boy dressed as spiderman. The naked chef aficionado came clean to me that while he comes off as machista and tough, his biggest delight in life is seeing a well prepared fillet on tv. Despite his best efforts, the parrot has still not been able to bite me (though he is glaring at me right now). I had some totally delicious coconut rice and not as coconuty beans at Jerred and Morgan's house. Roberth, my new favorite kid in school now that Ruddy was pulled out by his dad, walked home with me today in the pouring rain, singing and twirling in circles and being way too happy about being soaked to the bone. Finally, I have yet to be killed by Omar, one of the more dangerous of the mental illness/crippling alcoholic crossovers in my town. Weapon of choice- knife. Location of choice- across the street from my house. My solution- get a bigger knife.

One of the best things i've found in my life here? People here are kinda crazy. Crazy interesting. Did you know there's a laundry detergent here called simply "Terror"? Did you know the rhino toy they sell at the mall is called "Thunder Rhino" and the dog toy is called "Evil Clever Dog"? Did you know that the most common method for getting fruit down from trees is to hit them repeatedly with a metal pipe? Did you know that my host mom's response to my host cousins new boyfriend was "I don't like him, his truck looks like the truck the queso bandito uses. It could be him, and then what, you're married to a criminal cheese thief and one day the police will bust into your house and take him away"? Well now you know.

ps. did i forget to mention there's a cheese thief terrorizing our town?

Friday, August 6, 2010


Just a note: I'll get around to posting my update for July about a day after I manage to get off my ass and write it. I know i'm playing a dangerous game given that now it's August so every day that passes is filled with things I cant with good faith put in that entry. Writing my CAT (our community diagnostic) is making me not want to write anything at all, but since its due soon hopefully i'll have that update soon.

Now on to what i'm thinking right now- books are cool. Let me repeat and elaborate: books a pretty awesome. Let me tell you some cool things about them:

1) They write some of them in english

2) They're usually well written, and if they're not they manage to fail in a funny way

3) They're full of things you might not think of yourself. If you could, you wouldn't need to read it after all

4) They don't demand you keep to a schedule while reading them

5) They occasionally surprise you with having WORDS in them

6) They make good door stops

Nice list bozo you might say, but number five? Really? Yes. I deal a lot in coloring books. Words are nice.

So here's a list of books i've read since getting here:

The Reader

To Love a Thief (purely research)

Three Cups of Tea

I, Claudius x2 (ie: I read it twice since getting to Costa Rica)

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Table for Two

Saving the World: A Maximum Ride Novel

Love in the Time of Cholera x2

Guns, Germs and Steel

The Liar x2

A Million Little Pieces

Alice in Wonderland

The Outliers


Moreover, I now work in a library. No, not one I built, just one that was shoddily enough built that they asked me to help run it. As the municipal library of the city has a couple hundred books in english and none of the librarians or staff speak english, I get the wonderful, wonderfully frustrating task of cataloguing them, and the wonderfull power rush of writing up a spanish translation for the title and short spanish description of the plot of each one. I'd like to believe that one day some poor English (language) student writing his thesis is going to waste a good week trying to write a literary analysis of some tragically awful romance novel because my poor translation makes him think he's dealing with a greek tragedy. Some of the problems i've already run across: how do you translate The Grapes of Wrath? I went with Las Uvas Odiosas. Also, apparently Costa Ricans have no concept of the genre murder mystery. I explained it in detail to the librarian who got a very concerned look in her eyes. I now categorize murder mysteries on my chart of all the plots as "story that involves a crime and usually a murder then someone has to deal with it, but this is not a detective book, this is scary- be warned"

Also, I like digging through tourists' old discarded travel reading (which constitutes a good 90% of the collection) because a) I like seeing the kinda trash people read when they feel its justified by being "vacation lite" and b) because I found this note written on the inside cover of the murder mystery On the Street Where you Live by Mary Higgins Clark

"This is an exciting THRILLER. It will have you on the edge of your seat.


Oh Christopher-

As you are reading this, I am missing you. A LOT. I had a really good time with you, I hope the next part of your time isn't too lonely and your not crying because you miss my annoying ways and my sexy model poses. Keep up the good work with your sexy poses, you'll really go somewhere with them- be good- email me, call me, don't forget me. You are wonderful, thank you for putting up with me. I will talk to you soon. I miss you and love you. Call me when you get back!

Michelle <---look at that sexy autograph"

Michelle Michelle Michelle. First, Christopher probably never got your note, he probably just dropped off the book in the first place he could which is why it ended up here. Also, it's 'YOU'RE not crying'. Finally, don't be so desperate. After all, you have sexy model poses, if he knows whats good for him, he'll come back of his own accord.